
When the wall cavities of your house are filled with blown-in insulation, the benefits are multiple. Comfort, lower heating bills, and a big reduction on my family’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Insulation for sustainable living

Photo by David Chernushenko

One Response to “Insulation”

  1. Marc Rand Says:

    We did the same in our previous old ottawa south house, but we used MacKay A and Sons. It made a world of difference and fairly inexpensive about $2000 for three exterior sides, three stories and roof; we had a semi hence the party wall wasn’t done.

    This time we’ve used O’Reilly to put in a rigid foam in the attic of our new house – acts as a vapour barrier and R40 insulation. A bit more expensive, but I also think it will increase the lifespan of the shingles (they need doing too). The old knee walls stored a lot of heat in the summer and cold in the winter, the foam also eliminates this problem. I only worry about the environmental impacts of the foam and had I known I might have asked for BioBase 501 recommended by Adrea Vasil in her book Ecoholic

    See pictures of the foam:

    Find Ecoholic at the library!2103991~!3100001~!3100002&aspect=subtab101&menu=search&ri=1&source=~!horizon&term=Ecoholic+%3A+your+guide+to+the+most+environmentally+friendly+products%2C+information+and+services+in+Canada+%2F&index=ALLTIT2

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