Powerful – Energy for Everyone
[ Synopsis | Trailer | Clips | Order a DVD | Book a screening ]
A feature documentary by David Chernushenko (HD, 95 minutes/ 52 minutes)
Living Lightly Productions / Quiet Revolution Pictures © 2010
Flick the switch, turn the key, press the button and then pay the bill. Multiply that by six billion and you’ve got a picture of energy consumption on Earth today. We’re hard-wired to a conventional energy system that drives our transportation, powers our communications and is the lifeline to industry and commerce. Despite the benefits, we know that this system is regrettably depleting our resources, polluting our air and affecting global climate change. Guaranteed access to energy is no longer being taken for granted and the quest for “energy security†has become the buzz-word behind global trade relations and even a justification for conflict.
Who has the power after all? Short of moving “back to the land†and going entirely “off gridâ€Â, what’s an ordinary member of society to do?
Green economy educator David Chernushenko isn’t quite ready to head for the hills, but he has taken the extra special step of installing solar panels to off-set some of the energy consumed by his family home. Now, if he could just be allowed to feed some of that energy back into the grid, perhaps online prescription drugs without rx others could do the same. But we’re not there yet and David wants to know what we can do about it.
From the far side of the ocean to his own backyard, he’ll embark on a global journey to examine the alternatives to the conventional energy system and experience the critical resistance being met along the way.
Tackling the spin of the big energy lobby and, equally, dispelling the myths of a “green utopia†envisioned by many, Powerful is a candid examination of what a sustainable energy-powered future may actually look like..

Audience feedback from our screenings.
For where to view Powerful at upcoming festivals and special screenings, see our Events section.For home and private screenings order a DVD using PayPal. To inquire about other forms of payment, and for institutional purchases, contact info@livinglightly.ca
March 18th, 2011 at 2:36 pm
I am trying to put together an environmental film fest at my Unitarian Universalist Church in Venice FL – probably next spring – what would it cost to show either Powerful or Be the Change – or both – and why is that information not right here on the page!!! Thanks
March 18th, 2011 at 3:13 pm
Dear Susan,
Thanks for your inquiry. The standard screening fee is $250. Why is it not posted? Simple oversight! I had intended to post this information, and your email will serve as the kick I needed to get that done. Since you have an interest in both films, I would be glad to offer a two-film price if that is of interest. You might also wish to know that there are shorter versions of both films available. Be the Change (55 mins) is available in a 35-min version, and Powerful (95-mins) is available in a 52-min version.
September 9th, 2011 at 10:43 am
Looks really good but I’m in the UK: do you have a version of the DVD in PAL or region 0 format?
September 9th, 2011 at 5:20 pm
Thanks for your interest. Yes, it is on a Region 0 dvd. My friends, and several festivals, in Europe have had no problem showing it. Let me know if you wish to discuss an academic or public screening license.